WCDA Announces the 2013 Mortgage Lender Award Recipients
The Wyoming Community Development Authority (WCDA) presented awards to 18 mortgage lenders at the Wyoming Mortgage Lenders Association’s Annual Conference in Casper May 16 – 17. The awards went to individual loan originators or mortgage consultants throughout Wyoming who originated high quality WCDA loans over the last year
Judy Lane Receives Mike Brown Service Award
The Wyoming Community Development Authority (WCDA) is pleased to announce long-time mortgage professional and WCDA Board Member Judy Lane has been presented the Michael (Mike) Brown Service Award by the Wyoming Mortgage Lender Association. This prestigious award was presented during the 2013 Wyoming Mortgage Lenders Association annual conference in Casper Wyoming.
The Hampshire Generational Fund Acquires 30,000-Square-Foot Bank/Branch/Office Building in Rock Springs, Wyo.
Rock Springs, Wyo. - February 19, 2008 - The Hampshire Companies, a full service, private real estate investment fund manager with equity in assets valued...